<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Compass supplements

Teaching & Learning Guide for:

"Ostracism: The social kiss of death"



Williams, K. D. (2007). Ostracism: The social kiss of death. Social and Personality Compass, 1, 236-247.



1. Cyberball included. Shows a brief version of Cyberball that has been programmed to include the participant.

2. Cyberball ostracized: Shows a brief version of Cyberball that has been programmed to ostracize the participant.

3. Participant playing Cyberball ostracized. Shows a participant playing Cyberball (ostracized) over about a 2 minute period. He has given permission for this video to be shown, but was unaware at the time that he was being videotaped.

4. Interview with Kip Williams on Social Ostracism in The Social Connection Module (Copyright 2007, McGraw-Hill Higher Education).

5. To See The Invisible Man. A short snippet of a great Twilight Zone episode, that can be purchased at Amazon.com

6. BBC replication of fMRI study; interview with a few participants.

7. Interview with Kip Williams, Matt Lieberman, and Naomi Eisenberger by Australian television show, Catalyst.(not available at this time)

8. Teaching ostracism in the classroom using the "Train Ride" paradigm. [Zadro, L., & Williams, K. D. (2006). How do you teach the power of ostracism? Evaluating the Train Ride demonstration. Social Influence, 1, 1-24., by kind permission of Psychology Press, www.psypress.com/socinf, 2008.

9. CNN article about being "defriended" from Facebook (appeared October 30, 2009).