CyberBall 3

CyberBall3 (03-31-2006)

    Mac OS X:
  1. Open the archive CyberBallMac-03-31-06.sit (208 KB) That's all.
    Mac OS 9:
  1. Copy the file swingall.jar (2.3 MB)to the folder "System:Extensions:MRJ Libraries:MRJClasses" if it doesn't already exist.
  2. Open the archive CyberBallMac-03-31-06.sit(208 KB)
    Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP:
  1. Install the Sun Java Runtime Environment InstallSunJava.exe (14.9 MB)
  2. Restart your computer.
  3. Open the control panels
    contol panel
  4. Select Internet Properties and enable "Use Java 2 v1.4.1_02 for <applet>"
    internet properties
  5. Restart again
  6. Open the archive (576 KB)

WARNING: VISTA and Internet Explorer limitations:

It appears that Cyberball 3.0 is having difficulties with Vista, and new Internet Explorer versions (after version 6).In our lab, we use Windows XP and keep the IE version: 6.

We have not yet been able to solve this problem, so if you are able to use IE version with Windows XP, you will have more success.

Keep the folder structure intact. All the files are in their proper places. You can move and rename the top level folder but make sure you preserve the file and folder names and location inside. CyberBall3 relies on having consistent folder names while running from within the browser.

Double-click the CyberBall icon. Select a settings file and enter the user ID.

Using CyberBall:
Checkout the Readme

Important Info:
CyberBall 3 is a Java Applet that runs inside a web browser. To run properly on Mac OS 9 the swingall.jar file must be in place. To run properly on Windows the Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) must be installed and Sun Java 2 for applet must be selected in the Internet Properties.


  1. Allows any size images for throwing and subjects
  2. Can use the letter 'r' instead of a number to have confederates reciprocate; return the ball to whoever threw it to them
  3. Can use the letter 'x' instead of a number to have confederates return the ball to anyone except who threw it to them
  4. Can define throws for player two for automated play; player two is normally the test subject
  5. There is a minimal 8 second delay before the game starts


If you have problems installing or find bugs, please contact Kip Williams